We’ve been busy lately as summer wound down and preparation for the school year intensified.

Debaters doing research at the workshop.
Last week was our summer workshop. We welcomed three new Roadrunners to the team; two of them will begin as novices.
At the end of week, we hosted an Open House for Communication Department faculty and dedicated the debate office to Skip. The team also got to meet UTSA alumni Erin White!

Current recipients of the Skip and Judy Eno Debate Scholarship pose with Judy and Ashley.
Yesterday, the last day before classes, were Roadrunner Days for new students. In about two hours, we collected 45 names of potential recruits. Over the next few weeks, we’ll continue preparing for our season opener at UMKC, getting in contact with new folks, and hammering out details for our first public debate.

Kimiya, Lizvette, and Shauna tabling at Roadrunner Days.