It’s been an eventful summer for UTSA Debate as we’ve mourned our long-term director, made improvements to the debate office, and prepared for next season.

We replaced the bulky projector with a fancy new TV.
One summer project has been sorting through the 35 years of team pictures, university press releases, and newspaper articles that Skip collected. We’ve been posting some of these to our Facebook page, and will eventually put together an album for the website. On August 18th, we’ll be hosting an open house for the team to display our summer work to the Communication Department and showcase the squad’s history.
Summer research began in May. Collectively, the team has read untold pages of work about health care policy, different understandings of “health,” and proposals for improving access to health insurance. Next week we’ll start our formal workshop. The squad’s season opener will be at the UMKC Baby Jo tournament on September 15th. With that date just over a month away, prep is accelerating into high gear!
We’re working to update this blog regularly with team news, so check-in often! If you’re an alumn, head to the alumni page and let us know what you’ve been up to and if you’d like to be featured on the blog.

Phil’s year-round, Charlie Brown Christmas tree remains forever unchanged.